Student Life
Uniform Policy
Dress Code / Uniform Policy
The purpose of the dress code/uniform policy is to foster a respectful, professional learning environment with an emphasis on neatness and Christian modesty. Uniforms build a sense of community and decrease distractions which, in turn, increases academic focus. Parents/guardians are expected to support the school’s enforcement of the dress code/uniform policy, helping reinforce an environment best suited for learning and faith development. Students who do not comply may be asked to call their parent/guardian to bring appropriate attire to school. Repeated noncompliance with dress code/uniform requirements will be considered a discipline issue.
The following dress code/uniform guidelines are required for students in Kindergarten through eighth grade. Preschool students are not required to follow dress code/uniform guidelines.
General Expectations
Any fashion (dress, accessory, or hairstyle) that disrupts the educational process or that is deemed as inappropriate will not be permitted.
- Clothing must fit properly. Clothing cannot be form-fitting or see-through. Undergarments may not be visible.
- Clothing must be neat and clean without rips or tears.
- Clothing cannot have pictures or or any writing.
- Small earrings can be worn
- Heavy make-up is not permitted.
- Hair should be kept clean, neat, well-groomed and a natural hair color. No dying or spray-in color. Boys should be clean shaven and hair should be no longer than collar-length; exceptions can be made by principal.
- Tattoos, drawing, or writing on the skin is not permitted.
- Cargo pants, yoga pants, jogging pants, jeggings, and leggings are not permitted.
- Leggings are not pants, but they can be worn under skirts/jumpers.
- Holy Family’s logo is the only acceptable logo; visible tags, logos, and emblems are not permitted.
- Belts should be worn with pants.
- Scout uniform tops can be worn with uniform bottoms on meeting days.
- Hats and sunglasses are to be removed upon entering the school building.
- Outerwear is not permitted to be worn or carried during the school day.
Shirts | Solid color, collared shirts (blouses, shirts, turtlenecks, polos) are required; acceptable colors include navy blue, white, or purple; (for 2023-24, the colors red, green, and light blue will still be permitted but will be phased out and no longer acceptable in 2024-25) no logos/emblems unless it is the Holy Family logo. Shirts should be tucked in. |
Sweaters | Pullover or cardigan sweaters in the following colors are permitted: navy blue or white (for 2023-24, the colors red, green, and light blue will still be permitted but will be phased out and no longer acceptable in 2024-25). A uniform style shirt must be visible under the sweater. Hooded sweaters are not allowed. |
Sweatshirts | Students may wear a white or purple Holy Family crew neck sweatshirt; other sweatshirts/hoodies are not allowed. |
Fleece | Quarter-zip fleece with the Holy Family logo is acceptable; other fleece/hoodies are not permitted. |
Pants | Solid navy blue or khaki cotton, twill, or corduroy. |
Shorts | Students can wear solid navy blue or khaki uniform shorts that are no shorter than four inches above the knee; students should be mindful of weather conditions when choosing to wear shorts; all children will go outside for recess. |
Jumpers and Skirts | Solid navy blue, khaki, or any plaid uniform style skirts or jumpers; Christian modesty should be considered; for example, it is suggested that skirts/jumpers should be no more than four inches above the knee. |
Socks, Tights, Leggings | Socks must be worn at all times. Acceptable colors for socks, tights, or leggings worn under skirts/jumpers include solid navy blue, light blue, white, purple, hunter green or red. |
Shoes | Athletic shoes or any type of comfortable dress shoes can be worn; socks must be worn at all times. Open toed shoes are not permitted for safety reasons. |
Outdoor Attire | Students should come to school with outdoor apparel (coats, mittens, hats, boots) suitable for the day’s weather. All students will go outside for recess. *Snow pants, boots, hats, mittens (gloves) are required for students in preschool through fifth grades during winter months. |
Mass | Uniforms are required for all students on Mass days; no exceptions. |
Packer Home Games | Holy Family celebrates the Green Bay Packers by wearing green and gold tops with uniform bottoms on the day before or day of Packer home games; no jeans. |
Holy Family Spirit Days | Spirit wear from Holy Family, Notre Dame Academy, and St. Norbert College (Catholic Link schools) can be worn with uniform bottoms; no jeans. |