Father Patrick Beno invited Ukrainian artist Olga Halaburda Hietpas to lead a pysanka class for Holy Family’s eighth grade students. Patterns are drawn on the egg with wax to protects the covered areas from absorbing dye. An intricate pattern is built up by repeating this process with different colors of dye. Pysanky are usually created to be given to family members or highly respected family friends. The egg is a symbolic gift of life which is why the egg must remain whole. This was a challenge for some of our eighth grade artists! Holy Family Art teacher Mrs. Renee Zirbel said pysanka reminds her of batik art.
Holy Family Catholic School is part of the Green Bay Area Catholic Education (GRACE) School System. It is a private Catholic school serving preschool through eighth grade (PK3-8) with open enrollment. Holy Family provides an individualized education in a faith-based environment. Each child is supported not only academically, but spiritually. The best way to learn more about Holy Family is to visit! Schedule a tour here.