Family Involvement
SCRIP is a gift card program that serves as a fundraiser. Your purchase of gift cards earns a percentage for Holy Family Catholic School and a credit toward your SCRIP commitment. The percentage for each retailer varies and ranges from 1% to 24%. The average is 5%. You purchase a gift card, and Holy Family receives a percentage back from the vendor for each gift card you purchase!
SCRIP offers the ultimate flexibility. It only takes minutes a week to think about where you’ll be shopping and spending money in the days ahead, and those few minutes can add up to thousands for you and Holy Family! Every family is already spending money somewhere, so every month you put it off means missed tuition credits for you. Start putting that money to work for you and your kids.
Using SCRIP is easy. Families purchase gift cards for places where they plan to shop, and use those cards instead of cash or credit. Holy Family buys those gift cards at a discount. We sell them to you for full face value and you redeem the cards for full face value. The school keeps the difference as a rebate, earning a percentage of every dollar spent using the SCRIP gift cards. This percentage is split 60/40 between the school and the family. As an added benefit, many SCRIP users find that they become smarter shoppers by using the gift cards and planning ahead for every purchase.
SCRIP Requirements
Currently, the SCRIP commitment is $200 profit earned (not total dollars) in Scrip purchases for K-8 families and $50 for Preschool families . If you do not purchase enough gift cards during the school year to generate your families amount in proceeds, you will be responsible for the difference between what your purchases generate and the amount required to earn. After your commitment is met, the dollars are credited to your tuition account for the next school year.
Purchasing SCRIP
The most convenient way to order SCRIP is online at
You also can order SCRIP using the family pink envelope given to you at the start of the school year. Send your order, with payment, by Monday morning at 8:30 a.m. to have your SCRIP sent home with your child by Thursday, as per your SCRIP Release form. Once the SCRIP pink envelopes are released to your child, you assume responsibility for the purchased cards. We cannot replace lost SCRIP. If you place a large order for SCRIP, we highly recommend that you make arrangements to either pick up your child from school or pick up the SCRIP order in the school office.
In addition, you can earn Third Source Funding hours by selling SCRIP. For more information, please email us.